
You Said We Did

You Said We did
You did not know how we took your child’s interests into account.
  • We reassured you that activities and provision is planned each week, based on our observations of your child’s needs and interests. A large proportion of the day is Child Initiated activities where children choose the activities and resources that they want to use.
  • Our Spring 1 topic of Occupations has been specially chosen to reflect children’s current interest in role play including, firemen, police, doctors, caring for babies, or animals.
  • Our Spring 2 topic of Superheroes has been specially chosen to reflect children’s current interests and allows us to plan activities based on Paw Patrol, Spiderman or any other characters your children are interested in.
  • Our Songs and rhyme box is used each day, and allows even the youngest children to select the picture card that represents their favorite songs or rhymes. We add new songs and rhymes to the box to reflect the children’s choices
You wanted clarification about borrowing books to read at home.
  • To encourage all parents to share books with their child each day, we reminded parents that Day Care books can be taken home, returned and swapped, as regularly as parents like.
  • Special Day Care book bags have been made available so that books, feedback forms and children’s’ work can be safely transported to and from the setting.

You couldn’t believe that your child ate foods in Day Care that they previously refused at home.

  • It is common for children to have different eating habits in Day Care to home, as children are encouraged by peers and staff to eat and try new foods.
  • To give parents confidence in our daily feedback, we adapted the mealtime section of the form to include details about the quantity of food eaten. The feedback now details whether children ate most, all, a small amount or refused a food.
  • As part of our menu review, parents were asked in January 2018 to tell us of any foods they would like to see on our Day Care menus. These ideas can then be incorporated where they meet the recommended Food Guidance
You were worried that your children needed to go to a larger school based nursery to access more formal learning, ready for starting Reception class in September.
  • We reassured parents that at Salisbury Day Care, we place a high importance on preparing all children for the next phase in their education, and do provided a full Early Years curriculum in our setting.
  • All Day Care staff have attended ‘RWI phonics in Nursery’ training. Daily fun phonics sessions are held to ensure all children will know their letter sounds, ready for the start of their Reception year.
  • Children moving to larger nursery or school settings are taken to our school nursery for transition sessions. The aim of these is to build children’s confidence in a new larger setting and give them the opportunity to make friends with children who will be in their new class in Reception.
You wanted to know how you could give us feedback about our setting or your child’s learning
  • Daily feedback from your child’s key person provides written and verbal details about your child’s day at Day Care. Staff are available at drop off or collection times to share information about your child.
  • Parent Home Observation books are provided so that you can show us the achievements and developments that your child is making at home. This provides a great way of having written dialogue with your child’s key person.
  • Parent Consultation Days are held each term to allow parents to meet with their key person. This is an opportunity to discuss any successes or concerns you may have. Parent questionnaires are provided at these events for you to share your opinion of our setting, and make suggestions for improvements.
  • Our Suggestion Box is situated on the table in the Day Care lobby. If you want to make any other suggestions about how we can improve our service or setting.