
Safeguarding Information

Safeguarding Information


Safeguard Designated Lead

Ms Andrea Choppy



Safeguard Deputy Lead

Ms Allison Hines




Caroline Clifton

Early Years Designated  Safeguard Lead


Our Safeguard Statement

At Salisbury Primary School we are Committed to promoting the safety and welfare of all our pupils and visitors.

As part of this commitment we have a legal responsibility to inform Social Care of any child protection concerns relating to children who attend our settings.

In the majority of cases a member of staff will contact you to discuss this and if necessary any subsequent referral to Social Care. 

Please be aware you may not be contacted in advance of a referral if it is felt this could place a child at risk of significant harm.

We appreciate your support in this matter.


The NSPCC Useful Links below

NSPCC Helpline

Newham Local Safeguarding Children Board

Guide to Positive Parenting



Please click on links below for more Safeguarding  information

Internet Safety

Family Support Services

10 Things To Know About Digital Footprints

