
Religious Education

RE Subject Statement


At Salisbury, we believe that RE is an important curriculum subject. Our enriching curriculum helps our children throughout all the key stages to develop their spiritual, moral, social, and cultural compass in our local community and the wider world, bringing a deep sense of community cohesion. We aim to deliver a high-quality RE curriculum, with a combined skills and knowledge based approach. To ensure our pupils become proactive and caring citizens in the future, it is integral to the children’s development as members of society that they gain an understanding of all major world religions and belief systems.


At Salisbury, we adhere to the guidance of the Newham Agreed Syllabus (NAS), The Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) has approved the NAS curriculum More importantly, it is open and objective; it does not seek to impose religious beliefs on young people nor compromise the integrity of their own religious position when looking at other different traditions. It endeavours to promote a positive attitude towards people, respecting their right to hold different beliefs from their own. 

RE is taught weekly or termly in a weekly block and where possible, units are linked to key dates (e.g., Christmas units) and religious festivals (e.g., Diwali). This provides opportunities to celebrate festivals and religions with greater relevance and consistency. Work is recorded in their curriculum books and evidenced in displays, using a variety of techniques, for example, written pieces (retelling stories), reflections, Venn diagrams, artwork, and photographs. Our children are encouraged to describe, explain and analyse beliefs and practices, recognising the diversity which exists within and between communities and amongst individuals.


Throughout their time at Salisbury, children gain an understanding of a broad range of major world views and belief systems. Children are confident in having conversations about their own and others’ faiths. Through a comprehensive curriculum, children learn to be respectful of all belief systems and customs. Also they express ideas and insights about the nature, significance and impact of religions and worldviews. Children express their personal reflections and critical responses to questions and teaching about identity, diversity, meaning and value including ethical issues.


Our children have the opportunity to visit places of worship in the local area. We want to inspire children to stand up for one another’s beliefs and their right to practise any religion they choose.​​ Furthermore, our balanced curriculum ensures that our children have had exposure to all major religions and important festivals at the end of their primary schooling.  We make sure that religions that are not as common within our community are being taught, such as Judaism and Buddhism, enabling our children to learn about the wider world and other communities outside of our local borough.


We build cultural capital within and outside our school environment, enhancing our children’s understanding of their similarities and differences across the various religious beliefs, which include:

  • Visits to local places of worship
  • Inviting religious speakers into school
  • Collective assemblies - marking calendar events, such as, Diwali, Eid, Christmas and Easter
  • RE conference days