
Classroom Learning



In PSHE (and during Anti-Bullying Week), MF3 were given different scenario cards to act out a bullying scenario. The children learnt that sometimes bullying is about differences. The children shared their ideas of how someone being bullied feels and how they can be kind to children who are being bullied.   The children also learnt about what they should do if they feel that they or someone they know is being bullied. 



For our Geography lesson, the children used VRs to explore different London Landmarks. They were able to see famous landmarks like Big Ben, The London Eye and Buckingham Palace. They also watched a video on the VRs of tourists exploring London by visiting the busy, crowded streets of Central London. 



In History, we learnt about rationing and what rationing is. Everyone was affected by this during WWI (whether you were rich or poor). We had to plan our meals by buying food in rations using tokens. Once the food was finished, it couldn't be replaced. Also, if we used all of our tokens, we couldn't buy any more rations.   During this lesson, we developed our knowledge of people and events from the past. 


Ellie the Elephant

In MF3, we have a special class pet named Ellie the Elephant. Each Friday she is taken home by one child for the weekend and goes on little adventures with them. The children then write a diary entry and draw pictures, of all the fun things that Ellie has got up to.  Children must remember to use their diary writing to demarcate their sentences with capital letters and full stops, use present and past tense correctly, and use their phonic knowledge to spell words.

The children are always excited to return to school on Monday to tell the rest of the class about their weekend with Ellie the Elephant. 




In History, the children in year 2 have been learning about World War One and the different things soldiers did whilst they were on the battlefield and in the trenches. They created a range of freeze frames to show soldiers eating rations, playing cards, writing letters to their loved ones, and waiting to fight the enemy with their weapons. 



Maths Learning


To consolidate their understanding of ‘number bonds to ten’, some of our children used a blank tens frame with red and yellow colouring pencils to represent the counters.  They then turned over one counter at a time to write down the number sentence. For example: 1+9=10, 2+8=10.


We practice these skills so that we can work out our number bonds to 100! See below for further number bonds work completed by other year 2 children.
