
Beyond The Classroom


As an introduction to our topic on materials, year 2 identified and collected data in a table to reflect the materials used inside and outside the classroom. They were then asked to compare their usage of and observe that fragile materials such as paper and cardboard were not used to construct outdoor items, whereas they were heavily prevalent within the classroom. Using prior learning while reviewing year 1 work, they concluded that these materials were not waterproof and would collapse in poor weather conditions.


Letter writing - Trip To The PostBox


In Year 2, we have been learning about writing letters and what the features of a letter are. We wrote a letter to our families telling them what we have been learning in school. Some of us wrote about our History topic of WW1, class points and house points, learning about an artist named Pablo Picasso, our Guided Reading book called ‘The Little Hen and The Great War’ and our class pet Ellie the Elephant. We chose 3 things we wanted to include in our letter writing. We ensured that we included important features such as: the sender's address,  ‘Dear’ followed by the name of the recipient, an introduction, details, conclusion, and sign off.  After we wrote our letters, we decorated our envelopes, folded our letters inside, sealed the envelope, wrote the address neatly and then finally put our stamps on, ready to post. We then visited the post box and posted our letters and are waiting for them to arrive home!

